I am a fully accredited Cognitive Behavioural (CBT) therapist that delivers the most up to date and effective mental health strategies for people who are struggling with a range of symptoms. CBT is a therapy that helps you identify patterns of unhelpful thinking and behaviour that have a big impact on how you feel and how you live your life. CBT can help you take control of your mental health and make the positive changes that will allow you to live your life to the fullest.

I deliver individual CBT either face to face or online. I am passionate about helping you to focus on making changes because I know it’s only through change that you will find the life you want to have. It’s important that you choose the right therapist for you and you can read more about my approach my qualifications and experience in the about me section.

What is CBT?

CBT is a highly effective evidence based therapy. CBT involves looking at how you thoughts, feelings and behaviours interact with each other and how this keeps anxiety and low mood going. These thoughts and behaviours can develop into negative patterns and can start to have a long term impact on how you feel. CBT provides tools and technique for dealing with these negative patters.

CBT typically involves working on techniques that be applied in the here and now. However, it can also be really helpful to understand the past and how this can impact o our thinking, our beliefs and our actions in the present.

Is CBT effective?

CBT is an evidenced based approach. This means it has been show to be effective in 100’s of clinical trials for a variety of different disorders. CBT is recommended by the NICE guidelines. NICE stands for national institute of clinical excellence and they recommend treatments for all disorders and illness.

What does CBT look like?

CBT treatment usually lasts between 6 and 20 sessions. The sessions are 50 mins long and involve working collaboratively with the therapist to develop a good understanding of your difficulty and how it developed.

To be able to move on from our problems, you will need to make changes and learn to do things differently.

You can then learn specific skills and techniques that help you to move on from your problems and achieve your goals. These skills can then be applied for the rest of your life. You will spend time practicing and testing out these techniques in between the sessions as this improves the effectiveness of the therapy.


CBT v Counselling

CBT and counselling are both forms of talking therapies and there is some overlap between them. They both offer an opportunity to talk to a non-judgemental therapist or counsellor to better understand your mental health. You might choose counselling over CBT when the problem is caused by something you cannot change (such a s bereavement) or something you are not sure you want to change (such as a difficult relationship).

What can CBT help with?

CBT can help with many different problems:

  • Self esteem and confidence
  • Stress, including work related stress
  • Perfectionism   
  • Burnout
  • Social anxiety    
  • Excessive worry
  • Trauma and PTSD    
  • Sleep difficulties
  • OCD    
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias    
  • Anxiety
  • Anger    
  • Health anxiety

Specific Symptoms that CBT can help with:

  • Self-critical thinking
  • Racing thoughts and busy mind
  • Overthinking and ruminating
  • Poor concentration
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Disturbing or intrusive thoughts
  • Excessive and repeated behaviours
  • Feeling down, depressed or hopeless
  • Lack of motivation and pleasure in doing things
  • Tearfulness
  • Thoughts of wanting to end life or harm self
  • Unpleasant physical symptoms (e,g, palpitations and dizziness)
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Flashbacks and nightmares

If you would like help with any of these symptoms then please:

contact me